Sunday, October 6, 2013

Short Story 1

 Alright everyone! I recently wrote a short story and I hope you all enjoy it. Here it is:

He’s hard not to notice.
Always donning a faded, ugly black shirt
bearing the scary, pointy logos of bands I’ve never heard of.
Bands I never want to know about.
Long, greasy hair crudely parted down the middle.
Like Jesus.
The savior of noisy rock?
scoffs my friend, Monster in hand and Obey hat cocked off to the side
“He’s the son of the devil. He probably wants to take it from Satan in hell.”
He chuckles in a way that even makes me think he’s a jerk.
“Good luck buddy.” He sneers, half laughing, and quickly walks away.
I approach him reluctantly, hoping that no one, not even people peering out the windows in their classes can see me.
He would normally be in English right now,
listening to a spineless teacher give bland lectures about the classics,
but after his tormentors got the best of him one day in the middle of a Lord of the Flies discussion,
he has permission to sit outside and read in peace.
“Uh, are you Melvin?”
“Why, yes.” He replies nervously, yet with a nerd’s zeal.
“Look, can I copy your math homework? I’m a little behind.”
I spoke too loud.
I can already notice some other students who have severed their attention to history and science to stare out their classroom doors.
“Hail Satan!” I hear someone yell in the distance.
He sighs and shakes his head.
“Yes, I have today’s assignment right here.”
He hands it to me and puts his cheap, oversized headphones back onto his head,
the faint sound of his music ringing out,
something that doesn’t sound akin to demons battling.
Do I dare ask?
“Hey.” I grab his attention. “What are you listening to?”
“Oh, just some Wu-Tang Clan.”
I contort my face in surprise.
“The Wu? I would’ve never guessed you listened to that stuff.”
Noticing that I’m sounding a little too interested – God forbid that – I quiet down.
“Whatever.” I brush him off. “Let me copy this real quick.”
I sloppily begin scribbling down the equations with their corresponding answers,
no regard to understanding or learning of any kind,
but I notice Melvin.
The Wu was still playing, “Bring Da Ruckus” if my ears served me correctly.
His face solidified into a statue-like state the longer he listened,
his head bobbing ever so slightly
like he was in a trance.
Then something happened.
It must have been the end of the song,
I could faintly hear the gathered members of The Clan shouting out
“So bring it on! So bring it on!”
with so much menace, fervor, and aggression.
So much spirit.
The worried, beaten dog look that seemed permanently fixed to his face melted into a smile.
A smile so slight, but clearly full of confidence.
Of joy.
It radiated it.
A hint of teeth was about to show when it happened.
Richard McKinnon – the biggest, most arrogant annoyance on campus.
Must have weighed 250 pounds.
Ran up to Melvin and smashed in the side of his head with his foot
shattering his right headphone.
“Bitch!” he yelled, followed by contrived laughter.
Students jerking their necks to look outside their classroom doors.
The smile vanished instantly, turning into a flustered look.
He seemed to ignore the pain
if there was any.
He didn’t say anything,
just took the headphones off and hung his head down.
I see I’ve only copied three and a half problems.
“Hey man.”
He slowly looked up at me, the beaten dog look back in full effect.
“I’ll take the zero.”
I said, and gave the sheet back to him.

At the end of the day I began walking home past the mall as I usually do,
head down, focused on the concrete sidewalk and all its nothingness.
I noticed I had $30 dollars in my pocket.
Outlets for cheap food and drinks were plentiful.
There was a game store at the mall’s far end with people already waiting in line for some sports game that was going to be released that night.
And there was a Target.
Huge store; groceries, Starbucks, everything.
I took a few steps toward a lackluster Mexican food place to grab some greasy carne asada fries to munch on when I stopped dead in my tracks.
I turned around.
Went to the Target.
Walked in.
And went straight to the electronics section.

Well, there you have it! I'll be posting more short stories and poems as I find time to write them. See ya.

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