Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The Appeal of Cheesy Music

Nation, I have to admit to all of you that I can be a pretty miserable person, given there is a considerable amount of shittiness happening around me. All I need to do is go on facebook and see pictures of a girl I like with another guy and BOOM! I'm miserable. These days, whenever I pass a graveyard and it seems strangely appealing to me, all I need to do is blast some Wu-Tang shit and I'll snap back into a neutral state. But it wasn't always that way. Up until recently, I would always gravitate toward songs like the one above whenever I felt like an emo pansy. I'd say this kind of 3rd-wave emo was ineffective in helping my mood at all, so why was I so attracted to it?

C'mon, most people can agree that this type of music is exceedingly sappy, bombastic, and even contrived. You can probably wring a total of 1.5 gallons of emo out of "The Kill" alone, but to me, that's where the appeal lies. The feeling I get from a song like "The Kill" ("Helena" and "The Leaving Song Part II" are two other great examples) is equal to the way I feel whenever I feel like an inferior piece of shit, which is often. This music mirrored my emotions and I always felt a sense of sympathy from it, like, "yeah, I know how you feel, now here's a razorblade so we can be emo together." I eventually noticed that wallowing in this type of emotion was the polar opposite of what was good for me and I gradually turned to hardcore rap whenever I felt like killing myself, and it makes a noticeable difference. It pumps me up while that sappy music kept me down. And don't get me wrong, I still enjoy depressing music from time to time, and "Solitude" by Candlemass, for example, will always be one of my favorite tunes, but listening to music that negative will never make you feel better, and now I know this for sure. Listen to this instead :)

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